On the Way of Saint James
A Timeless Spiritual and Cultural Journey.
A Timeless Spiritual and Cultural Journey.

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Here are some questions from the quiz On the Way of Saint James. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
Which 12th-century manuscript played a crucial role in the popularity of the road in the Middle Ages?
Leonine Gospels | Burgos Manuscript | Codex Calixtinus | Compostela Bible -
Which way only crosses Asturias and Galicia?
Camino Primitivo | Camino de Invierno | Camino Francés | Via Lemovicensis -
Which French way passes through the cities of Le Puy-en-Velay and Conques?
Via Podiensis | Via Tolosana | Via de la Plata | Via Turonensis -
What mountain range do pilgrims cross on leaving France?
The Dolomites | The Cantabrian Mountains | The Pyrenees | The Alps -
Which is the most popular way to Santiago de Compostela?
Camino del Norte | Via Podiensis | Camino Francés | Via Tolosana
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Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
134 | Sasha |
122 | Felixy |
122 | marvin |
112 | totoche |
110 | mike222 |
100 | MV12 |
100 | Beth99 |
100 | Rob44 |
100 | newton |
100 | les4as |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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