On the screen! Harry Potter

On the screen! Harry Potter

After having been a social phenomenon in the literary world, the adventures of Harry Potter have also left their mark on the film world by becoming one of the most lucrative franchises in the history of cinema.

After having marked the literary world, Harry Potter has also left his mark on the cinema.
Average77 % - Questions241
Writer SiriusBlack  Category Cinema & television   Series On the screen! Keywords Fantasy  United Kingdom  Cinema  Extra Topic Sheet
Game creation: 2021-03-26 | Photo credit: Unsplash - Derek Story / Syclone | Photo credit (thumbnail): Unsplash - Josipa Juras / Syclone

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz On the screen! Harry Potter. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Voldemort's face appeared on the back of the head of this Hogwarts professor.

    Alastor Moody | Horace Slughorn | Quirinus Quirell | Remus Lupin
  • In which London train station is the 9 3/4 platform that gives access to the Hogwarts Express?

    Victoria Station | Waterloo Station | King's Cross Station | Paddington Station
  • In which film does house-elf Dobby appear for the first time?

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • What is the name of the language Harry uses to communicate with the snakes?

    The Parseltongue | The Slytherin | The Glykon | The Snaklang
  • In this film, Harry, Ron and Hermione must find and destroy the horcruxes, the secret of Voldemort's immortality.

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz On the screen! Harry Potter. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
3566 alibaba
2893 KimSmith
2030 AtoZ
1724 nymphadora
1504 Elvis
1431 MyriamLafrance
1324 Mike2704
1177 Yoda
1107 Rambo
981 Titan

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
3.86 DidiChang
3.83 Savancosinus
3.48 Rambo
3.46 Titan
3.44 Balloney
3.06 les4as
2.93 Beatrice
2.84 Mike2704
2.82 AtoZ
2.52 KimSmith
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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