New France

New France

From beginnings to fall: the story of a French colony in America.

From beginnings to fall: the story of a French colony in America.
Average71 % - Questions30
Writer DR88  Category History   Keywords Quebec 
Game creation: 2024-09-09 | Photo credit: Néhémie Prybinski, OFM | Photo credit (thumbnail): Néhémie Prybinski, OFM

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz New France. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Who founded Trois-Rivières on July 4, 1634?

    Laviolette | Jean Talon | De Buade | De Maisonneuve
  • Which city was founded on May 17, 1642?

    Chambly | Montreal | Gaspé | Quebec City
  • What period is New France generally associated with?

    From 1492 to 1760 | From 1534 to 1763 | From 1608 to 1798 | From 1524 to 1789
  • Which French king commissioned Jacques Cartier to explore new territories in 1534?

    Louis XII | Charles IX | Francis I | Henry II
  • What disease caused by vitamin C deficiency affected many settlers?

    Typhoid | Scurvy | Cholera | Malaria

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Earnings Players
140 BuffaloBill
134 lynn25
100 stan
100 Cesar
100 alex65
82 android33
82 Matrix
76 RicoR
64 fer9
64 leylon

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