The 20th Century in Politics

The 20th Century in Politics

Between Democracy and Totalitarianism: Perspectives on a Turbulent Century.

Between Democracy and Totalitarianism: Perspectives on a Turbulent Century.
Average64 % - Questions55
Writer martins  Category History   Society   Keywords Politics  20th Century  Extra Topic Sheet
Game creation: 2024-03-22 | Photo credit: Alexander Joe / AFP | Photo credit (thumbnail): Alexander Joe / AFP

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz The 20th Century in Politics. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which country signed a declaration with China in 1984 that Hong Kong would revert to Chinese rule in 1997?

    The United Kingdom | France | The United States | Portugal
  • Which country was Willy Brandt chancellor of?

    Netherlands | Denmark | Austria | West Germany
  • Which organization, created in 1949, brings together European and North American countries for collective defense?

  • Ratified in 1919, what was the purpose of the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution?

    Women's right to vote | Full citizenship granted to blacks | The establishment of prohibition | The creation of Indian reserves
  • Which organization played a central role in the economic crisis of 1974, which resulted from the first oil shock?

    OPEC | IEA | UN | PLO

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz The 20th Century in Politics. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
310 les4as
298 savard71
292 Felixy
158 matt44
134 erik
134 corinne75
128 kendall
88 NY68
82 Mulligan18
64 toutcon

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
1.63 les4as
1.47 savard71
1.02 Felixy
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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