Great Names in Politics Since 1900
We offer a retrospective of the women and men who have shaped politics since the year 1900.
Retrospective of the women and men who have shaped politics since the year 1900.

Average72 % -
Great Names
20th Century
21st Century
Game creation: 2020-05-17
| Photo credit: Wikipedia - Elliott & Fry
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia - Elliott & Fry
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Great Names in Politics Since 1900. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
This former Hollywood movie actor became Governor of California and then President of the United States in 1980.
Donald Trump | Jimmy Carter | Ronald Reagan | John F. Kennedy -
He was responsible for establishing an economic aid plan for Western Europe after the Second World War.
Henry Arnold | Walter Krueger | Douglas MacArthur | George Marshall -
A French hero in the 14-18 War, he was convicted of high treason and intelligence with Nazi Germany.
Charles de Gaulle | Ferdinand Foch | Philippe Pétain | Jean Moulin -
The head of the Grand Staff of the German Imperial Army during the Great War, he was elected president of the Reich in 1925.
Franz von Papen | Paul von Hindenburg | Erich Ludendorff | Adolf Hitler -
Scots and British Prime Minister, he was a staunch ally of George W. Bush in the fight against terrorism.
David Cameron | Tony Blair | Gordon Brown | John Major
Real-time difficulty levels
This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Great Names in Politics Since 1900. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
14759 | Miche |
4240 | KimSmith |
2598 | MissPiggy |
1963 | zoulou |
1825 | Mero20 |
1310 | Jobic |
1279 | Balloney |
1195 | CrevettesUtopiques |
1074 | Rambo |
942 | tartusopommus |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
2.94 | Balloney |
2.92 | Virginie79 |
2.79 | les4as |
2.61 | stan |
2.04 | KimSmith |
1.94 | Rambo |
1.83 | tartusopommus |
1.70 | jacquesL |
1.70 | Savancosinus |
1.67 | Capland |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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