Nations of the world - Vatican City

Nations of the world - Vatican City

The spiritual heart of the Catholic Church, the Vatican City is also the world's smallest independent state.

The spiritual heart of the Catholic Church, the Vatican City is also the world's smallest independent state.
Average64 % - Questions95
Writer Sasha  Category History   World   Keywords Geography  Extra Topic Sheet
Game creation: 2024-01-06 | Photo credit: Shutterstock | Photo credit (thumbnail): Leonhard_Niederwimmer

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Nations of the world - Vatican City. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Where does the Vatican City State rank among the world's smallest nations?

    It's the world's 4th smallest nation | It's the world's 2nd smallest nation | It's the world's 3rd smallest nation | It's the world's smallest nation
  • Who is the head of state of Vatican City?

    The Roman Curia | The Pope | The President of the Italian Republic | The Mayor of Rome
  • By what name is the spiritual entity of Vatican City State known?

    The Roman Curia | The Vatican Church | The Sistine Chapel | The Holy See
  • What are the two main colors of the Vatican City flag?

    Blue and green | Yellow and white | Red and green | Blue and white
  • How do the Vatican Museums rank among the world's most visited museums?

    3rd rank | 2nd rank | 1st rank | 4th rank

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Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
440 zumba
390 MV12
362 coucou
362 evry
274 pro49
268 vic88
268 martins
264 LouiseB
256 Titan
238 kendall

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
2.63 Titan
2.56 MV12
2.07 evry
1.77 martins
1.43 pro49
1.39 vic88
1.33 zumba
1.13 kendall
1.09 coucou
0.95 salazar
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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