The Human Body
The human body is a fascinating machine. Discover some of its secrets.
The human body is a fascinating machine. Discover some of its secrets.

Average67 % -
Game creation: 2021-11-19
| Photo credit: Wikipedia Commons
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia Commons
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz The Human Body. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
What is the process of consuming food and fluids called?
Digestion | Elimination | Ingestion | Propulsion -
What is the name of the joint between the arm and forearm?
The elbow | The shoulder | The patella | The wrist -
What is the function of the ureters?
Storing urine | Carrying urine from the kidneys to the bladder | Urine secretion | Carrying urine from the bladder to the outside -
What is the name of all five long bones of the foot?
Carpus | Metatarsal | Metacarpus | Phalanges -
Where is the humerus located?
In the chest | In the arm | In the forearm | In the thigh
Real-time difficulty levels
This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz The Human Body. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
1612 | zumba |
765 | Miche |
571 | Palles |
535 | Gigi |
386 | stan |
341 | Myrtilleblue1 |
334 | matt44 |
332 | Rambo |
328 | mike222 |
320 | Pluto |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
2.54 | Rambo |
2.39 | stan |
2.01 | Miche |
1.94 | Palles |
1.78 | MikeMercury |
1.63 | Pluto |
1.45 | matt44 |
1.19 | FourmiAtomique |
1.16 | Myrtilleblue1 |
1.13 | zumba |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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