Find the Intruder - 80’s Music

Find the Intruder - 80’s Music

For experts of 1980s music, you must find the intruders among the answer choices. And each time, you only have 10 seconds to find them!!

For fans of 1980s music, you must find the intruders among the answer choices.
Average52 % - Questions100
Writer Panoramix  Category Music   Series Find the Intruder Keywords The 1980s 
Game creation: 2020-05-09 | Photo credit: Shutterstock | Photo credit (thumbnail): Shutterstock

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Find the Intruder - 80’s Music. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Find the intruder... Hint: Ethiopia

    Pride | We Are the World | Do They Know It's Christmas | Tears Are Not Enough
  • Find the intruder... Hint: Wham!

    Careless Whisper | I'm Your Man | Father Figure | Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
  • Find the intruder... Hint: Montreal

    Lime | Corey Hart | Men Without Hats | Bryan Adams
  • Find the intruder... Hint: Pet Shop Boys

    Always on My Mind | It's a Sin | West End Girls | What's on Your Mind (Pure Energy)
  • Find the intruder... Hint: Culture Club

    Miss Me Blind | Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? | Church of the Poison Mind | Smalltown Boy

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Find the Intruder - 80’s Music. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
2595 Balloney
1738 FreddyMercury
1616 AtoZ
1512 EnolaGay
1484 SammyBoy
1303 MV12
1216 Squizme
1172 Miniputt
1116 Nickie
1082 Snowman

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
4.04 Balloney
3.39 MV12
3.24 mike222
2.84 alibaba
2.83 AtoZ
2.16 Rambo
1.37 Yoda
1.30 FreddyMercury
1.19 SammyBoy
1.16 Gege66
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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